Grocery group Casino is leaving 200 outlets open after employees go home, with self-checkout machines in their stead. Rival Carrefour SA in May began testing a similar idea in Paris's. Is this the future of grocery?... Source: Bloomberg Businessweek
The English luxury brand is focused on creating unique designs and an unrivalled shopping experience. Graham Broomfield, Digital Director at L.K.Bennett, speaks about the brand's strategy and its international expansion... Source: Cross Boarder
Casino est entré en négociations avec Aldi pour la vente de ses 650 magasins Leader Price... Source: LSA
Intermarché a dévoilé officiellement miseptembre ce à quoi doit ressembler son parc de magasin dans le future... Source: LSA
After a decade of economic growth and low unemployment, German discount grocers like Aldi, Lidl, Netto and Penny Market are suffering in their home market... Source: The Economist
Is the facial recognition an helpfull technology for retailers? If the answer is yes, why are so many people concerned by its use in retail stores?... Source: Stores
L'enseigne a rénové son magasin du centre commercial des A Temps, à l'ouest de Paris, et en profite pour faire évoluer son dernier concept... Source: LSA
En Europe et aux États-Unis, quelques enseignes physiques se sont alliées à Amazon, déclenchant immédiatement les cris d'orfraie de leurs concurrents... Source: LSA
Le modèle des hypermarchés est, sinon en crise, au moins sujet à de nombreux questionnements. Cela lui impose de changer pour retrouver de l'attractivité... Source: LSA
Aldi ist seit zwei Jahren online auf dem chinesischen Markt präsent. Nun eröffnete Aldi in Shanghai seine ersten beiden physischen Filialen in China... Source: Store + Shops
Clothing rental has been around for a decade. But as millennials and Gen Z become a more dominant force, a number of apparel retailers are jumping in more fully... Source: Stores
E-commerce has opened up a new frontier of acquisition, making more difficult to get sustainable decisions. But might the in-store shopping offer the right solution to the consumer?... From: Frame